I am the queen of tension headaches. OK, maybe it’s more like I’m a slave to tension headaches. Either way. I have a lot of them and they really REALLY suck. Yoga for headaches has been my savior.
My tension headaches creep up when I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things and haven’t been taking enough time for myself. If only I could just figure out how to slow down, I think I could prevent most of my headaches. Too bad when I’m busy-busy-busy I’m not usually aware enough to recognize that I need to slow down. Sound familiar?
The good news is this: I’ve had a lot of luck finding relief from my tension headaches with yoga and a few key stretches through the top of the shoulders and sides of the neck. I’ll share them with you below. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to breathe deeply in each posture (that means you have to SLOW DOWN!) Imagine that with every breath the muscles soften and the tension lifts just a bit more.
(Oh, and read through them first so you can turn off your computer, smart phone, tablet, or whatever device you’re looking at—jutting your chin forward to look at that screen is likely part of the problem.)
And, go!
Yoga for Headaches and Neck Tension
1. The Cradle
Rest your head on your arm while you lengthen the side of your neck.
2. Chest Opener
Interlace your hands behind your back and sweep your wrists to the right side of your waist. Gently, squeeze the elbows toward each other. For an even bigger stretch, you may drop your right ear toward your shoulder.
See also 5 Gentle Yoga Poses for Your Yoga Wheel
3. The Pendulum
Come to Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) with your feet a little wider than hip distance apart. Bend your knees softly. Interlace your fingers and cup them at the base of the skull. Let your head hang and use the weight of your hands to give some traction to your neck as you gently sway from side to side.
4. Thread the Needle
From hands and knees sweep your right arm under your torso and bring your right should to the floor. Rest the side of your head on the floor and relax your neck. Creep your left fingertips forward creating lots of space through the side body, first. Exhaling, reach your left hand around your back and catch your right hip or thigh. Open the chest by moving the head of the left should back. Take deep breaths. Come back to hands and knees and repeat to the other side.
5. Child’s Pose
Make sure you press the spot between your eyebrows down on the floor and release any tension in face.
UPDATE 2018: Here’s a FREE video practice to help you melt tension!
Other things that can help with headaches:
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea can be a good way to soothe a tension headache. The scent of peppermint is known to help ease headaches. Also, since it’s a hot tea, you have to slow down to drink it.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint essential oil diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut) and applied around the hairline and the back of the neck can also be a powerful cure.
Lavender Scented Eye Pillow
A lavender scented eye pillow during Savasana or Legs up the Wall can work wonders for a headache.
Lavender Essential Oil
Also try diffusing Lavender essential oil or applying it topically to the back of the neck.
What’s your go-to remedy when you get a headache?
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