Detox 101 is both a great guide and a great resource, whether you use this book to do a full-fledged 21-day detox or just read through it for some great yoga sequences, recipes, and self-care tips (which is what I did!).
I sent Jessi a few questions about her inspiration for the book and, of course, to get more insight on her detoxing philosophy. Check it out!
Spoiled Yogi: Detoxing and cleansing are such trendy words lately—but some of the detox “diets” out there seem like they could be dangerous! How is your program different?
Black Bean Buddha Bowl from Detox 101 |
SY: Who is detoxing good for? Is there anyone who shouldn’t detox?
JA: That all depends on the type of detox. Some are very restrictive, such as the Master Cleanse which consists of only lemon water mixed with specific ingredients for the duration of the cleanse, or completely cut off nutrient categories, like a carb-free or fat-free diet. With Detox 101, the idea is to cleanse and recharge your body, without depriving yourself. It is designed to be safe for generally anyone, because you are eating food and probably getting more nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits than you normally would. If you have any health conditions, history of eating disorders, or are pregnant, you should definitely talk with your doctor about the safety of a cleanse, as you would with any other diet change, but you may find that the kind that focus on eating better and getting well are good for any stage of life.
SY: I don’t have a juicer! Do I really need one in order to detox?
About Jessi Andricks
Jessi Andricks, author of Detox 101, is an emerging leader in the field of healthy, holistic living. Through her training in Health Coaching, Yoga, and mind-body fitness, she’s able to blend together the best of all worlds to create innovative online wellness and detox programs, such as her Flourish Series.
Jessi fuses together clean eating basics, empowering fitness, and coaching techniques to help clients can live the happy, healthy lives they deserve. Jessi is a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen.com and has been published in Mantra Yoga+Health Magazine and Yoga Magazine.
Her mission is to help people live the happy, healthy life they deserve. Get in touch with Jessi at jessiandricks.com and look for her book, Detox 101, now available in stores and online.