1. Glen Beck
2. Ann Coulter
3. Sarah Palin
4. Bristol Palin
5. Levi… Definitely Levi
6. Barak Obama
7. Michelle Obama
8. Former Presidents of the United States
9. Terrorists
10. Husbands
11. Wives
12. Sisters
13. Brothers
14. Moms
15. Dads
16. Politicians
17. Businessmen
18. Circus Clowns
19. Executives
20. Executive Assistants
21. Yoga Teachers
22. Editors
23. Writers
24. Musicians
25. Body Builders
26. Football Players
27. Pregnant Women
28. Stay-at-Home Moms
29. Working Moms
30. Stay-at-Home Dads
31. Children
32. Dairy Farmers
33. Milk Maids
34. Dog Trainers
35. House Sitters
36. Mailmen
37. Aunts
38. Uncles
39. Nieces
40. Nephews
41. Prison Inmates
42. College Students
43. Nurses
44. Doctors
45. Lawyers
46. Meg Whitman
47. My boss
48. Surgeons
49. Actors
50. Donald Trump
51. Simon Cowell
52. Justin Bieber
53. Beyonce
54. Jay-Z
55. My husband
56. My former college roommate
57. TV producers
58. Cowboys
59. Indians
60. Native Americans
61. Jews
62. Christians
63. Buddhists
64. Hindus
65. Magicians
66. Seamstresses
63. Martha Stewart
64. Florists
65. Dentists
66. Cheerleaders
67. Athletes
68. Runners
69. Ballerinas
70. Makeup Artists
71. Teenage Girls
72. Teenage Boys
73. Parents of Teenagers
74. School Teachers
75. College Professors
76. Swimmers
77. Candle Makers
78. Bloggers
79. Computer Programmers
80. Bankers
81. Retired People
82. Anyone Who Has Ever Had an Injury
83. People with one leg longer than the other.
84. Fat People
85. Skinny People
86. Young People
87. Old People
88. Grumpy People
89. Nice People
90. Pretty People
91. Ugly People
92. Tired People
93. Energetic People
94. People who are moving.
95. Office Workers
96. People who work from home
97. Cyclists
98. Environmentalists
99. Spoiled People
100. YOU!
Who did I miss?
Girls that are in the Roller Derby. Not sure if that is a Roller Derbyista. A girl who skates in the Derby has been coming to my restorative classes to recover from a head butt injury.
101. Diesel mechanic husband who is worked up bee keeper neighbor's bees that keep pooping on his yoga teacher wife's car.
(YT wife doesn't care much about the bee poop – she figures the poop is helping DM husband's garden grow. YT wife needs more yoga though…)
I dunno, I think you pretty much listed everyone. Especially THIS yoga teacher. Love it!
people with disabilities
Bob, Yes! I'm covered under about 10 of those 100. 🙂
Elise, Roller Derby.. Sure! And a head butt injury? That's hard core!
Meredith, How are we going to convince our husbands to yoga with us? I don't think bee poop would bother me much either..
Brenda, I love when you stop by!
Carrie, I don't know HOW I forgot that one! Thanks for adding it.