Or at least these yoga poses to induce labor haven’t worked for me so far …
OK. To be fair.. most of these poses are designed to open the hips and inner thighs, which could help prepare the body for labor but not necessarily “induce” it.. but people say squats particularly and hip openers might help if you’re at term and ready to go. (I am!)
See also Dear Baby
Without further adu, I give you..
5 Poses to Induce Labor
(But Don’t Work If You’re Me Because My Baby Doesn’t Want to Come Out and I’m Going to Be Pregnant Forever)
1. Malasana (Garland Pose)
2. Goddess Pose
3. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Bend)
4. Baddha Konasana (Cobblers Pose) while pressing the “trigger point” between your ankle bone and heel.
5. Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana (Compass Pose). A milder modified version of this to open my hips
Other things that don’t work…
Nipple Stimulation
Spicy Foods
Long Walks
Bouncing on a Yoga Ball
Not yet tested…
Update 2016
Yes, I DID have the baby! Now, she’s a beautiful, almost-4-year-old who is incredibly imaginative—in fact, she nearly gave me a heart attack yesterday when she told me she rode on a bus to a park where she went on a boat ride during preschool yesterday (I hadn’t signed any permission slips!). After planning what I would say when I call the school, she later told me that she had only imagined that boat ride. Having a child with a wild imagination is usually lots of fun… I can’t believe the things that come out of that kid’s mouth sometimes.
What Did I Do to Induce Labor Naturally
When I wrote this post originally, I was very close to giving birth and super annoyed that nothing I did was working. I went to the doctor five days past my due date and they hooked me up to some machine that measured my contractions (I didn’t even know I was having contractions, but apparently I was and they were pretty close together…). They scheduled an induction for at 7am the following morning.. I went home from the doctor that morning, determined to induce myself without the help of drugs. I walked, probably 5-6 miles around my neighborhood, and, ya’ll, it’s already pretty hot in Charleston at the end of April. I took caster oil (just a little bit). Every time I sat down, I bounced on my yoga ball. (And when I say I bounce, I mean I BOUNCED like I meant it.) I also took a bath, and tried the whole nipple stimulation thing to get things going—honestly, it was just the weirdest thing, but I was a woman on a mission. That evening those contractions got stronger. And they started to hurt. I went to the hospital at 11pm, and guess what time the baby came? 7am! The exact time I was scheduled to be induced. We met out deadline, but barely, which is fitting since that’s the way I finish most of my projects.
How would I do things differently next time?
Since 2012, I’ve studied prenatal yoga and was certified to teach. I’ve helped plenty of women all the way up to their due dates (and sometimes even a little bit after). As you can imagine, this has changed my view on pregnancy and birth quite a bit. Here’s what I remind the mamas I work with who have gone past their “due dates.”
Remember that due dates are just estimates. Every woman is different and it’s completely normal and natural for baby to stay in for up to two weeks past that date. Don’t get all worked up about it.
Don’t spend lots of time freaking out and trying to induce baby like I did! If you need to do something with your nervous energy, spend your time doing relaxation exercises. Take warm baths, long Savasanas, and practice deep breathing to soothe your nerves and anxieties.
Most importantly, trust your body to do its thing. You were designed for this. Your body grew an entire person, probably without much intervention from you or anyone else. THAT was the hard part. When it comes to time to birth, let your body handle it. It knows what to do. You’ve got this, mama!
Did you try to induce your own labor with yoga and other natural techniques? How did ti go? Comment below and give us YOUR update, too!
No matter WHEN you go into labor, NOW is the time to prepare for your new life as a mother. Enter your email below to get a FREE guided meditation just for mamas.
See also …
What Not to Wear: Yoga Mamas
Baby Yoga? This is How We Do It
6 Reasons Every Mama Needs a Yoga Ball
3 Surprising Reasons Every Mama Needs a Yoga Mat
Add acupuncture to your list of things that don't work!
sex? nipple stimulation? both are supposed to get things moving.
although, i'm pretty sure nothing really works for sure, and the last thing attempted gets all the credit. hope you go into labor soon!!!
Maybe just writing this post will make it happen. 🙂
Thinking of you!! xo
Good luck!!
I have fond memories of that time in my life. A frustrated, fast one mile walk around at track at 11pm in the middle of winter plus a few sun salutations after worked for me. The labor started 6 hours after. But it was my actual due date & maybe it was just when she was good & ready to come out!
Oh, this made me laugh. It'll happen. I'm thinking of you!!!
I haven't tried acupuncture! Maybe that should be next on my list…
This is a family blog… I will not discuss nipple stimulation. 🙂
Thanks Anna.. I was hoping she'd come on your birthday! No dice.
Thanks Brooks!
Thanks, Kelle.. And yes.. she's coming one way or another! Soon, I hope!
I'm glad your memories are fond.. it gives me hope!
really?its a natural way of bringing on birth.You can talk about sex but not nipple stimulation??
Thats stupid nipple stimulation is suppose to work and it is natural!!
Ive heard from many people and even my doctor that nipple stimulation is supposed to be a natural way to induce labor. (it doesnt have to be sexual, some even say you can use a warm towel and do it yourself, its just supposed to help)
OMG, I'm so happy I found this post. It's exactly how I am feeling. I have tried everything on your list. Nothing is working.
Im full term water broke tw o days ago and baby just doe.t want to come out any suggestions please
ahh,I hope your baby came out. I am with you right now. Going on 40 weeks and no signs. I have been walking 5+ miles a day, eating pineapple and spicy food, hot baths and taking evening primrose. Oh, I had a massage too!
did you go to the hospital? I think you are supposed to deliver w/in 24 hours of your water breaking or you risk infection. My water broke w/my first and there were no signs of labor. (I was a month early) They took him c-section because he was breech. They told me regardless of having contractions I needed to get to the hospital pretty quickly after my water broke.
ok so in 1 more day i will be 2wks over my due date and so far i have a very stubborn baby nothing is working i've tried raw pineapple,pineapple juice,spicy foods (which have been a major craving anyway),raspberry leafs,castor oil,long walks,hot baths&showers,yoga,nipple stimulation,acupuncture points (ankles),squats,nothing is working i seriously feel like i'll be pregnant forever and i never thought i'd say this but i'm tired of eating these last few days food feels like the enemy i eat because i have to even though i feel terrible after, i'm convinced i'm being punished ickkkkk!!!
I'm at 35 weeks and already dilated and effaced 60% I've been doing yoga every day and I recently had an hour lower back massage which triggered contractions (which I don't want yet) I yoga n massage world for me…now I'm trying to keep her in