I know, I know. Yoga is a path and finding contentment takes years of discipline and practice. That’s fine. But, sometimes, you just need to remind yourself that the world is a beautiful, wonderful, fun place. Whenever I’m feeling whiny, there are a few things I know will help me realize how blessed I am and make me feel instantly happy.
1. Pick a flower. A daisy or a buttercup will do just fine. Tear off the petals one by one, saying to yourself, “He loves me, he loves me not.” If you get to the last petal and it’s a negative… tear that petal into two so you can end on a good note.
2. Eat a cupcake. Slowly. Get frosting on your nose, and then lick it off.
3. Remember something that gave you the giggles as a child. If you can’t think of anything, get some inspiration from a wee one in your life. For example, I recently called my niece to wish her a happy 4th birthday. The conversation went like this. Me: “Happy Birthday!” Niece: “Happy Birthday to you, too! And Happy Buttcrack!” (It was a proud moment for me.)
4. Practice a pose that makes you feel strong, playful, and free. That’s right. The skinny, awkward girl who couldn’t overhand serve a volleyball to save her life when she was 15, can now do some pretty incredible arm balances. And I’m filled with joy every time!
5. Watch a puppy play. If you don’t have a puppy, go to a dog park and just watch for a while. (Put a few treats in your pocket if you need a little extra love.) Or just watch my sweet Penny chase her tail when she was 4 months.
What makes you feel joy instantly?
Imagine that you trained Penny to chase her tail in only four months. I'll bet you've moved on to better things and have her chewing up slippers or barking at the doorbell already.
Actually Penny is a lovely dog, I love her expressions
Thanks for your comment! Penny is also an excellent cat chaser! And she'd love for you to pass her on your bike. 🙂
Pretty funny!
Both my dogs were excellent cat chasers too until I finally got a cat. But they can't complain all three share being rescue pets.
Beener my oldest dog (beagle-terrier mix) was the runt of the litter and the owner was down to her and talking about disposing of her if no one took her off his hands. She been my best friend 12 yrs now.
Miller was saved by my son who actually dognapped him from a very cruel owner(long story here – but a good one). He's a nice sized Yellow Lab and I've had him four years now (loves walks) but he still has more bad dreams than any dog i've seen – poor guy.
Which brings us to my cat (Maxie). He arrived outside my window no bigger than my hand, barely weaned and was crying his heart out for some help. Considering were I live that guy had to had travelled some distance to find me but he's part of the family now and is a real lap cat.
Just waiting for providence to present the next pet to me, I just hope the other three remain as open minded.