I love my computer! And, yes, there are certainly times when my yoga practice suffers because I spend too much time reading blogs, chatting with friends, or looking at random pictures on Facebook of children born to people I knew in high school. But I think the majority of the time I spend click-click-clicking away on social networking websites ultimately helps more than hinders my practice.
Here’s how:
Blogging Yoga During my yoga teacher training, my teachers encouraged us to keep a journal of our practice. We were supposed to write down what poses we were working on, any questions that came to mind, any emotions that bubbled up. I didn’t do it. And it wasn’t until I started this blog that I realized the value in that. Just as Savasana (Corpse Pose) helps my body absorb all the energy of my physical yoga practice, blogging is what helps my mind absorb it … and I can’t believe the creativity that sometimes flows from it. It’s liberating, and I’m so glad I have this outlet–a forum to share.
Twitter Tips. Almost all of my friends on Twitter are yogis. Whenever I feel like procrastinating, day or night, I can log onto Twitter and read tweets from yogis from all over the world reminding me to breathe, slow down, reconnect, and recommit to my practice. If I have a question about a pose, yoga philosophy, yoga product–whatever–I just ask and I get tons of responses almost instantly!
Facebook Frenzy. The way Facebook helps my yoga is similar to Twitter. Sometimes I see interesting yoga articles (and I always find out when one of my favoring yoga clothing companies is having a sale or giveaway). But the big difference for me on FB is that most of my friends are actually people I know personally. And sometimes the yoga is in finding compassion for all the people on my friend list that “like” Sarah Palin or have nothing better to do with their time than play Farmville.
Youtube Teachings. Sometimes the only way to learn a yoga pose is to see it. No magazine article will do when you want to learn the technique for dropping back into Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow) and a myriad other complicated yoga postures. When I want to see something, I look it up on Youtube and usually find a teacher I trust has it covered.
Podcast Pearls. I love audio podcasts! And while I haven’t gotten tino them much for yoga instruction, I have found a wealth of information that helps me juggle my yoga practice with my other responsibilities and just ways to enrich my life altogether. I used to listen to podcasts every day during my commute, and I also used guided meditation podcasts to jumpstart my meditation practice. But now that I work from home I take little breaks here and there to listen for 5 minutes to inspire me to keep going. If that’s not yoga, I don’t know what is!
How does new media to enhance your yoga practice?
I am the same way with twitter. Love logging on and seeing little quotes and sayings which brighten my day by reminding me to breathe or slow down… I also love blogging, I am still getting my foot in the door but it does allow you to take what you learned on the mat (mentally and physically) and think about it, reflect on it, and write about it to better understand it.
You should try yogaglo!
Yoga has actually helped me to tone down my media obsession, so now I'm more clearly focused on what media I use & how I use it; I've cut out the fluff so I don't get so distracted. I love the media for research and I feel like blogging helps my teaching. And I love connecting with yogis on Twitter ♥
Jamie, I just signed up for a YogaGlo trial today! I liked it a lot more than I thought I would… it was like being in class!
RebelRoadSister and Meredith, I think anyone who says yoga and technology can't mix should follow some of our yoga twitterers for a while.. I'm inspired all day long because of you tweeps!
You're doing pretty well with old media, too. Congrats on the mention in the New York Times!
Thanks Brenda! It was a pretty nice surprise!
I am a big fan of Yogatoday. They have a free weekly class so that you can try and decide whether to subscribe. Cheaper than Yogaglo. This is great for those who cannot afford a studio but are not advanced enough to develop a home practice. Plus, many videos are filmed outside and the scenery is gorgeous!