There are few things that get my dopamine pumping like a thoughtful, personal email from someone who reads my blog. Maybe that makes me a narcissist. But I fancy myself someone who really enjoys giving having a small impact (hopefully a small positive impact) on someone else’s life. So, do me a favor, would you? If you love what you see here, if you have a question, concern, or other constructive feedback, send me a love letter (aka an email) and speak your mind.
Convince me that you’re not a stalker, serial killer, or one of those Bikram practitioners (kidding!), and I might even answer you.
Seriously, though, I read every email and try my best to answer them all in a timely manner.
Blog Partnerships
Hey, fellow blogger! Want to be my blogging BFF?
Does that sound desperate? Look, I have friends. LOTS of friends—BFFs even. But I’m a firm believer that you can never have too many friends, especially friends of the blogging variety. We can do lots of things all on our own, but think about how much more we can do together. I love to collaborate with link-minded folks who share in my passion for sharing a passion, you feel me?
So, I’m looking for blogging buddies who write about health, fitness, nutrition, meditation, mindfulness, and all things mommy, who want to collaborate so we can both inspire more people to life a healthy, mindful, awesome life.
You in? Email me so we can get this party started.
Brand Partnerships
A yoga mama’s got to eat, you know, (and her family does, too). One small thing that makes this possible is working with companies to help them get the word out about their product or service.
I love letting my beloved readers know about the little gems I find that make my life a little more convenient, more mindful, and more simple. After all, maybe it will be exactly the thing they need to help them find more time for yoga, long soaks in the bath, and reading their favorite blog (THIS one, obviously!).
If you have a product or service that would be super helpful to mamas on a mission to live a more healthy, stress-free, yoga lifestyle, let’s talk. I offer sponsored reviews, social posts, giveaways, and other creative ways to help you reach and engage with a growing community of amazing mamas.