See also Letting Go of Expecting
5 Yoga Poses for Pregnant and New Moms
Dolphin Pose at the Wall
Stand up, still facing the wall. Bring your forearms to the wall. Your forearms should shoulder distance apart, parallel to each other, and your fingers will point straight up to the ceiling. Then, just as you did before, hinge at the hips and slowly lower your forearms down toward the floor as you step your feet away from the wall until your elbows are close to the same height as your shoulders. Stay for 5 breaths.
Tree Pose at the Wall (Vrksasana)
Stand up again and turn to so your right side is facing the wall, a few inches away. Bring your right hand to the wall for support. Left your left heel away from the floor, bend your left knee, and bring the bottom of your left foot to the inside of your right ankle. You may stay here, using your left toes on the floor for support, or lift the foot up either below the right knee or to the inner thigh (just don’t place the foot ON the side of the knee). You may keep your right hand on the wall, as pictured, or, if you feel stable, lift your hands overhead and extend them like tree branches. Stay here for about 5 breaths, then switch sides.
King Dancer Pose at the Wall (Natarajasana)
Turn to face the wall. Bend your right knee so that your right heel comes toward the right side of your butt. Bring your left hand to the wall for support. Then reach behind you with your right hand and you grab your right ankle (or the pinky toe side of the foot). Flex your right foot and begin to kick the foot into the hand. Stay here, or to deepen the pose, walk the left hand up toward the ceiling. As you find more opening through the chest and right shoulder, you might even bring your chest to the rest on the wall. Stay here for 5 breaths, then switch sides.
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
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