Disclaimer: In my years as a yoga student and teacher, I’ve witnessed every one of these awkward moments in yoga class. I think they’re all incredibly amusing. But when I first started, I also thought they were incredibly embarrassing. If that’s you, please know that if you persist and keep practicing, you’ll learn not to give a flying flip about the awkward moments because all the gifts you get from the practice will be well worth them. Luckily, I’ve never had all seven happen in the same class (knock on wood).
1. Things are going well. You made it through a tough sequence of standing poses. Now it’s on to a standing forward bend. Unfortunately, as you fold forward, someone farts. It’s a loud one, and everyone in the room hears it. People try to be polite and hold back their childish giggles. The teacher keeps a straight face, and pretends it didn’t happen. She continues on with class. The next words out of her mouth are: “Take a full, deep breath as you lift your torso back up.” Or.. maybe we could all hold our breath while you go open a window?
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Image via Flickr user Rafael Montilla |
2. You come out of a standing wide-legged forward bend just a little too soon. As you ground your feet and lift to standing with a perfectly flat back, the back of your head comes into direct contact with something a little bony, a little squishy… OMG! Is that a butt? Yes. Yes it is.
See also My Mat Stinks (and Other Embarrassing Yoga Faux Pas)
3. After accidentally head butting a complete stranger’s Mula Bhanda, you have to now avoid eye contact with her for the rest of the class. Things quickly take a turn for a worse when your teacher utters these words: Let’s partner up!
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Image via Flickr user Le Yoga |
4. The woman next to you—we’ll call her Shanti because you’re too busy glaring at the back of your teacher’s head to actually listen to her tell you her name—chooses you to be her partner. Maybe she’s accustomed to practically being assaulted in yoga class. You wonder if there’s something wrong with her as she grabs your wrists and gently leans back.
5. Her hands are sweaty. When she’s done “adjusting” you, you’d really like to wipe your hands on something or, better yet, disinfect them. You don’t because she might see you do it and you wouldn’t want to be rude.
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Image via Flickr user Evan Lovely |
6. Savasana. Finally. What could possibly go wrong during final resting pose? Snoring, for one. It’s hard to relax when there’s someone sawing logs inches away from your sensitive ears. We’re glad YOU’RE relaxing, buddy…
7. Snoring, of course, can be excused. It’s not like the person is consciously disturbing others. Unlike the guy who groans out load as if he were being, um, enjoying it a little too much, when the teacher gives him a totally G-rated adjustment. Yes, there are some who tell you to “let it all go” Frozen-style in yoga class, but for the sake of all that is good and pure in the world, could you reign it in just a LITTLE bit?
See also
15 Things You’re Doing RIGHT in Yoga
6 Reasons Every Mama to Be Needs a Yoga Ball
5 Things I Love about Ashtanga Yoga