This time last year, I decided to try a detox. Why? I don’t really know. I guess it seemed like it is so popular in the yoga community, I thought I’d be missing out on something if I didn’t do it. I think I was secretly hoping I’d lose 10 pounds, my skin would become magically flawless, and I’d never crave sugar again! Sadly, none of these things happened. (Shocking, I know.) Instead I turned into a ravenous bitch. I apologize for the profanity, but there’s no other way to describe it. Even though I had gradually cut out things like caffeine, sugar, and dairy products until I was down to eating only fresh fruits and veggies for a few days, it was a complete shock to my system. When I got tired of the fruits and vegetables available to me I just stopped eating.
You see, here’s my problem with detox diets. Everyone seems to talk about these in the Spring, before watermelon and peaches are in season. Last year, all I wanted was watermelon and peaches and I would just about have driven to Mexico to get some, but I just didn’t have the energy.
I’ve only survived only one detox, and may never do another because, well, I like food … However, here’s my advice for detoxing for whatever that’s worth.
— Don’t have unreasonable expectations. Detoxing might give some people limitless energy and perfect skin, but I certainly didn’t experience that. I’m sure it affects different people in different ways.
— Don’t detox in Spring just because that’s when the workshops are offered at your studio. Do it when your favorite fruits are in season.
— Don’t tell your non-yoga relatives or friends who live in the South. They’ll think you’re crazy and/or suffering from an eating disorder.
Are you cleansing this season? Do you have any advice to share?
I don't get the whole cleanse thing either. I've tried it and pretty much had the same result you did, profanity included.
So no, I'm not cleansing. I choose to focus on eating according to what my body requests daily. I like the days it wants only Snickers.
It took me four decades to learn to eat the right things, I think I'll enjoy them for awhile