I was 38 weeks pregnant when I got a notification on my phone. Hurricane Matthew was barreling toward the coast. All of Coastal SC, including where I live outside of Charleston, SC, would be facing mandatory evacuations. The lanes on the highway would be reversed. We were all advised to get the heck out of dodge.
Did I mention that I was 38 weeks pregnant? Neat!
I went from enjoying a quiet morning alone while my oldest daughter was in preschool to complete panic in a matter of seconds. The evacuations were mandatory, which meant that if I went into labor at home during the hurricane, no first responders could come to my rescue. I’d be on my own. I imagined going into labor in a traffic gridlock.
I couldn’t breathe.
It was not the first time during this pregnancy that I experienced near unbearable pregnancy anxiety.
Pregnancy During the Corona Virus Pandemic
Now, as I watch the news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can’t stop thinking about that moment when I thought the plans for my birth might change and it was all out of my control–the moment when I put my pre-packed hospital bag into the car and began putting family photos and every precious piece of artwork with a hand print on it into another suitcase. (At least this kind of event really helps you put into perspective what’s important to you.)
My heart goes out to all the pregnant moms and those with newborns who are in that situation right now. I’m sorry that you can’t pack your bags and drive away from it.
Pregnancy is such a wild ride of emotions. So when unexpected events come up, it can incredibly difficult to cope.
I know you’re strong. And I know you’ll get through this. In some ways, the extra time to rest up and prepare is a blessing. You’re going to be stronger than every when it’s time to give birth.
A Guided Meditation for Anxiety During Pregnancy
For you, sweet mama, who is expecting a baby in the middle of a global pandemic… I want to share with you something that helped me countless times through my high-anxiety pregnancy.
This mantra: “We are safe. We are healthy. All is well.” Got me through getting pregnant again after a miscarriage. It got me through spotting the entire first trimester of that pregnancy. I remember sitting in the ultrasound room waiting for the tech with one hand on my heart and one on belly carrying this child that I already loved so much…
“We are safe. We are healthy. All is well.”
For all I knew we were. And the ONLY thing I could do to help my chances was breathe deep, eat good foods, and manage my stress.
“We are safe. We are healthy. All is well.”
And no matter how many times my doctor told me that my baby had a strong heartbeat, I wasn’t sure if I should believe it.
“We are safe. We are healthy. All is well.”
There are so many things in life that we can not control. But if we learn to stay positive, focus on the good things in life, and take every opportunity we can to help others … well, at least we know that all the pain and heartache we have felt in our lives has a purpose. To connect us to each other on a deeper level. Even when we can’t leave our homes.
One day your story will connect you to someone who is dealing with a similar unexpected situation. Your story will give them hope.
“We are safe. We are healthy. All is well.”
I’m sending you all so much love. May you all be healthy, safe, and free from harm. May you all be happy, experience peace, and know that you are loved.
For more yoga for pregnancy content visit my YouTube channel.