Here’s an idea… If you “don’t want the Yoga Nazis coming after you” don’t say stupid, derogatory, rude things like YOGA NAZIS!
And REALLY Fox News?! Really!? “Obviously we have a lot of time on our hands because 20 million people are practicing yoga?” How about we have a HUGE and growing need to manage our stress, get some exercise, and just deal with life in general (not to mention handle the huge amounts of anger that boil our blood every time we turn on your ignorant TV station?) and yoga helps us with all of that. How about THAT?
And while I have to agree with author of “Your Kids Are Your Own Fault” Larry Winget (the guest you chose to be your “expert” on parenting) that yoga is not a sport… He obviously has never set foot in a kids yoga class, most of which are VERY interactive and teach more life lessons than a T-ball game ever could.
I try to keep my rants to a minimum on this blog. And I’m rarely offended by people’s misunderstandings of yoga.. but this one is just SOOOOO ignorant without even an attempt to understand
UGH! End of rant. I’m going to go do some wussy yoga with my kid now to try to calm down.
what do you expect? it's Fox News….
This segment makes me feel so un-zen. I agree with the benefits of sports vs. yoga, I suppose. It's just their open scorn and disdain for yoga as a practice that gets me.
I know. I know. But there are so many people who watch Fox News who could really benefit from yoga.. and their kids certainly can. Presenting it in this light is just.. so.. wrong!
Me too! If they had just compared kids sports to kids yoga I would have NO problem with it.
You are judging a news station based on the words of a guest.?.?.? So, in your eyes, a news station that has a guest expressing their opinion, automatically agrees with that opinion. Interesting logic you have there.
\Fox news is garbage, then again, so is every media outlet in this country. They're all fairly biased…
I'm not judging the station based a guest's comments.. but on their choice of guest. How different would the segment have been had they chosen to speak to someone who actually knows something about kids yoga, too? I guess that's asking too much.
And it was not the guest who framed yoga as something people do when they have too much time on their hands.
Oh my. I don't even know where to start with this. It's offensive and misinformed on so many different levels. I completely agree that sport and team sports are important for kids and you learn a ton of lessons but why does it have to be an either / or situation? Actually, I don't have as much of an issue with the guest as with the News folk and their flippant comments.
I miss the days of Tom Brokaw and Walter Cronkite doing the news in tidy 1/2 hour segments. I don't find any of these non-stop "news" channels to be news at all.
I quit watching the news…….people drive me crazy
wow! i am still digesting that… i guess living in a liberal community can make you forget about other perspectives out there… it is tempting to stay in that liberal bubble but probably not what really needed!
I'm not sure what the context of this interview is… it sounds as if yoga is replacing regular sports in the States?
In any case, it's just a group of ignorant people discussing something they know nothing about. Yoga may not be a "team sport" but there is a connection and a strong buildup of chi in a group yoga class. They mock yoga and put it down to soft and weak people, but yoga has made me stronger and helped me endure so much more than anything else in life has.
Yoga has also taught me non-attachment, so that's what I'm going to apply here 🙂
Its so cool. Yoga in kids is always make them happy and make them realize that it is what you can do to get peace in ya life.