When I worked for Yoga Journal, there were several occasions when I’d step into the elevator at the office only to be greeted with the question: “Are you one of the yoga people?”
Now, it’s not like I was walking around the office in yoga clothes most of the time (thought, I admit I did choose not to change after a lunchtime class a time or two) so it’s strange that in my normal office attire people still pegged me as a yogi. I didn’t adorn myself with Om jewelry or greet people with “Namaste.” I didn’t even carry a yoga mat with me because I left mine at my desk. So I never really put my finger on what it was that made people look at me and think, “she does yoga.”
I guess I just fit into some of the most common stereotypes about yogis… Perhaps, the following:
I’m a young-ish white girl with a small frame and fairly toned arms (have I mentioned my love for arm balances?).
I wear minimal jewelry and natural-looking make up.
My style is laid back, sometimes a bit Bohemian, which I guess could be interpreted as a little hippie.
I like lavender essential oils and lotions, so maybe I smell like hippie, too. (But not the kind that doesn’t wear deodorant.)
I eat a lot of salad (so I often had a big one with me in the elevator).
I’m cheerful, happy, and friendly to strangers.
I hate being stereo-typed, but I suppose there are worse ways to be labeled. Do you think people who don’t know you identify you as a yogi? What do you think it is that makes them think that—or not?
Frenzy36 says
You live in an area where yoga has a pretty good word of mouth buzz and YJ did have its office in that building or maybe it was the headband you wore to work or the goji berry juice in your backpack?
I bet you get asked those questions because those people would like to try yoga and are looking for some encouragement. You usually don't ask questions that are controvesial (at least well mannered people don't).
What a difference 2000 miles makes though – I would never get asked that question. Where I live their are only three types of people
1) people that hunt
2) people that drive pickups
3) people that do both
So I tend to be a real rarity in this area a cyclist & yoga nut, yet sometimes all it takes is someone to get things started. I get asked that question alot about cycling (never yoga yet). I think people want to lead healthy lifestyles and are looking for tips or encouragement to get started.
I'd take it as a compliment for all the above reasons you wrote. Although you don't need any, it just reinforces the good choices you've been making.
Carrie says
good points many people though are surprise yjat I treat yoga as a life style not an exercise program
Meredith LeBlanc says
Could be that inner glow that yogis have đŸ™‚
Frenzy36 says
Carrie for me its completely opposite. People here have the conception that yoga is only being in stationary poses and don't have a clue as to the awesome exercise workout it can provide.
I talk up the workout / flexibility aspects and trust that a good leader will help them develop the inner qualities that we love.
Annie says
Once, when I was at teacher training, I was headed on a day off to the mall to eat lunch, hang out and do some shopping in the sun (we were in Hawaii). As I waited for a light one of my fellow yogis walked up and said to me, "When I first saw you from a distance I couldn't tell it was you (she wasn't used to seeing me in "real" clothes), I just thought to myself, Wow! Look at the amazing posture on that woman!" It was my posture, in jeans and heels on the street corner that gave me away. Yes, we look like yogis to those with enough experience to spot one…