… I’d have at least one free class a month. And when I say free, I mean FREE!, not donation-based or almost free. Why? Because people who would have never tried a class will show up. And we all know it only take a couple of classes to get hooked! And I think that would make the world a better place.
… I’d mop the floors between every class. I would not allow entrance to the next class until it is spic and span. I hate walking through puddles of sweat!
… I’d have free tea and lots of cozy couches in the lobby to encourage students to stick around, talk yoga, hang out, and make friends. A yoga studio is only as good as its community.
… Oh! And a library of great yoga reference books that my students could check out!
… I’d host a free monthly yoga book club.
… I’d offer free classes to anyone who is mayor of my studio on Foursquare. It would inspire healthy competition and get all the Foursquare-hooked kids coming back again and again.
… I’d offer free classes to the city’s actual mayor, too. Because I think that would make the city a better place.
… I would sell chocolate in the boutique… And cupcakes… And hot chocolate in the winter.
… My teacher training program would have a yoga community service requirement. It would be a double-whammy because the more you teach, the better you get at it. And yoga should be shared with everyone, not just those who can afford it.
I think that’s all. If you owned your own yoga studio, what would you do?
Sounds perfect. When does it open? 😉
that sounds so great… im in 🙂
I think Goji-berry juice Cosmos are a must for any avant garde salon
I love your yoga studio!!! I especially love the cleaning between classes!! I always take the first class of the day and clean up after myself but feel bad for the next class that has to step over puddles of sweat!!
Your yoga studio sounds awesome!
The studio I go in has a free class each month for newbies. It's a new studio too but I hope they won't stop this practice when they get bigger.
These are GREAT ideas!!!! I love the idea of a library with yoga books, and a community service requirements for teacher trainees. I would want to have local fresh produce, cooking classes, and find a way to make morning mysore classes much less expensive than they currently are. I'd also love to have a primary care doctor who works with the studio.
I dream of being part of a donation studio…I just want everyone to have the chance to do yoga whether they have the cash or not.
Great requirements! I think they should be standard in every yoga studio!
I always offer a first class free to my students believing that by just trying it at no cost will help to reduce that level of intimidation and fear. What do they have to lose? Love the idea of offering free classes for the city leaders. Smart!
Green tea, too–decaf of course. Oh, it sounds lovely! How about affordable teacher training? And maybe some in-depth classes (which include philosophy, etc.) for those who want to go further, but may not be ready to teach? Oh! You could also have a community of yoga ambassadors who would be qualified to go out to community service places (i.e. women's shelters, homeless shelters, etc.) and do community service classes….
Yes to all of this, please! While I was reading, I thought "I hope she says books," and you did! I'm with Meredith, too, on donation-based classes. I think I'd have an all-donation studio.
first class free? CHECK
free tea and lots of cozy couches in the lobby to encourage students to stick around, talk yoga, hang out, and make friends. A yoga studio is only as good as its community. CHECK
a library of great yoga reference books that my students could check out! CHECK
chocolate in the boutique CHECK
TEA? Check
Guess I didn't realize how fortunate I am. My yoga studio already has all of this and more.
Check out my sweet yoga place: (I don't own it so I am not marketing!!!) 🙂
burbs of Chicago
I wouldn't make prepaid class passes expire, once you buy it, it's good until you use it( you never know when someone is going to come to the realization that they need yoga). I would also make a cardio/weight room area so that people can have yoga and other workout options in one place and I would incorporate all your wonderful ideas espeically the library.
Open one on Long Island, ok? 😉 I'm there! Love the focus on community. So great to promote that rather than have everyone race out of the studio and into the rest of their day
All of the above and 1/2 off classes for military, police, firefighters, CPS case managers, and their family members
well said…i think we should wait to see a yoga studio that offers these. But i agree that this is the best way to promote Yoga as well who don't fee spending hundreds of dollars at one go.
…and I would attend.
I love your ideas. Especially the after class social opportunity and the yoga book club – anything to help create deeper relationships within the community.
I would have a studio that had an organic raw foods cafe connected to it, where you could get yummy live smoothies or healthy raw desserts and other foods that help nourish the body. And there would be classes that support every yogi on a regular basis,especially classes accessible to those with physical limitation, not just the odd out gentle class here and there. And there would be meditation time after shavasana!
Oh, isn't it fun to dream up the "perfect" studio!
Fantastic ideas, I have started up a small studio from my home. Before each class I love creating the right atmosphere and environment and the ritual of making sure everything is clean and tidy is a joy. Its part of the yoga practice for me. Each week I bake something for the students to enjoy after class and they seem to enjoy sitting afterwards and having a chat and sometimes they leave with little gifts of lavender bags or angel cards.
you just described my dream studio
I'd include all of your things and…
* a 6am class once a week for us early morning fools
* My mom would babysit the lunch time class
* I'd offer a seasonal 'come and paint' day to have fellow yogi artwork on the walls (small canvas, not the actual walls)
* My dad would offer a Tai Chi class when ever he wanted
* Free 'bring a loved one' day each month
* Saturday morning classes would move to the park when the weather cooperates
* Ayurvedic lessons
Why would I open a studio when I could go to yours? It sounds divine!
love the blog. love it. SHINE ON
YES, now THAT'S a studio!!
I am a yoga studio owner and yes we do have one free class a month…..just thought I would put it out there. We also are good friends with Cora Wen.
This is a wonderful blog!!!