You know what’s harder than having a baby or toddler at home? Going somewhere–anywhere!–with one (heaven help you if you have more than one!).
Aside from the obvious things you need to take care of baby away from home–car seat, wipes, diapers, change of clothes–you need a few things to help keep YOURSELF sane. That’s what this post is all about.
Here are the things I think you actually NEED when you’re having a baby, assuming you plan to go to the store, a yoga class, out for dinner, or to a doctor’s appointment.
Don’t worry about how much it costs. The things on this list are priceless for parents of little ones.
5 Things Every Mom Needs So She Can Leave the House
1. A good insulated cup for coffee or tea. Honestly, you need this even when you’re not leaving the house
Here’s why:
You will get busy and forget about your cup of coffee. Later, when you see it sitting on your kitchen counter, it will be cold. And you will be sad. So so sad. Use an insulated travel cup instead. With a lid. You definitely need a lid.
2. A Tile key chain. because babies and toddlers love keys and phones. They WILL hide them from you (usually when you’re late).
Yes, you might also lose them on your own. (Mommy brain is real!) But what’s the point in having a baby if you can’t blame them when you lose your keys? Or phone? Or Sunglasses? Umm… I feel like I’m forgetting something. It must not be very important.
Just get the Tile. (This is an affiliate link. But I would not be recommending it if I didn’t love it.) I’ve only had one for a few weeks and it’s already saved me so many times. I wish I had gotten one years ago.
3 . A fanny pack. Diaper bags are over rated. They’re big, bulky, and heavy. And did you know that fanny packs are back in fashion!? I have never been happier about a fashion trend!
Even if they remind you of being a tourist in the 80s, it won’t matter when you’re at the park and you have just one hand to push your kid on the swing and another for all your necessities (a diaper, a snack, your keys, and a credit card for purchasing coffee). Put these things in your pack, and you’ll still be able to hold your coffee like the Super Mom that you are.

This is me. Rocking my fanny pack at the park. See how cool I am? You want to be like me don’t you?
4. At least 3 good babysitter options you feel comfortable with on speed dial. Have a back-up for your back up. Sure, you might think you’ll just take your baby with you everywhere you go. But you’re going to want to get out alone every now and then.
5. Mom friends. Who do you call when your back up backup babysitter comes down with the flu? The same people you message in the middle of the night with a Code Red when your toddler gets a vomit virus or gets a bead stuck up her nose. (Go ahead. Ask me how I know.) Mom friends for the win!
Find your people. Love them hard.
BONUS – A good YouTube channel with tons of FREE yoga practice videos and yoga lifestyle tips for moms just like you..
Hey! I know of one of those. Go subscribe! Fast!
Even if you have a studio and a yoga teacher that you adore, it can be SO hard to make it to yoga classes on a regular basis when you’re a new mom. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve gotten everyone ready and barely out the door on time to drop the kids off and get to class in time…only to have to come right back in and change a blow out diaper.
Have a back up plan, Mama. Always have a back up plan.
YouTube is a great back up plan for when you can’t make it to yoga class on time. Missing out on just a few minutes of breathing and stretching should NOT be an option when you’re a busy mama and everyone is counting on you.