Due dates suck. I’m adding them to my list of grievances against the American medical system, and you should, too..
Here’s why.
Not only is the thinking intrinsically flawed that every child should reach gestation and be ready to enter the world in exactly 40 weeks time, but the idea every woman’s body should be prepared and ready to go on that same schedule is completely ludicrous. I think it’s even harmful. When this arbitrary date (which at best, can be off by 2 weeks from the get-go) isn’t met, it throws everyone into a frenzy making said woman question her body’s natural abilities to give birth.
Let’s think about this from a yoga perspective. First of all, look around the next time you go to a public yoga class and you’ll see dramatically different body shapes, sizes, and abilities. Some students are naturally flexible and have no problem bending into most any shape. Others are strong and stable–maybe they can’t touch their toes, but they can lift into a handstand in the middle of the room with ease. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle with a tendency toward one or the other. One isn’t better than the other–just different. Yoga teaches us to just experiment and do the practice without judgment from wherever we are. The emphasis is on how far you’ve come over time, not how flexible or strong you are. That’s why it builds confidence and self-esteem at the same time as health and vitality. This is key for opening the body, because the second you start to fill the mind with judgments and self-doubt, the body hardens making it almost impossible to make progress. If you want to open your hamstrings, you relax and breathe and gently fold forward. Why on earth would opening your cervix be any different?
That’s where due dates, and the doctors and midwives that assign them, really miss the mark. They start looking for things that are wrong causing already nervous moms-to-be to panic. (If first-time moms tend to “go late,” I’m convinced this is why.) They order extra ultrasounds to make sure there’s enough fluid and non-stress tests to monitor how well the baby is handling being crammed in your deteriorating placenta. They tell you all the reasons they won’t “let you” stay pregnant past yet another arbitrary date … You start to wonder, is my body just not capable of doing this? That’s when the progress stops. That’s when the drugs come out. That’s why our C-section rate in this county is 33 percent.
Yoga has helped me come a long way in accepting and loving my body as it is. It’s amazing how a nine-month period of seeing doctors, being weighed and measured, and hearing how I stack up (for medical reasons) against thousands of other people’s measurements and statistics has really undone so much of that work on my mat.
Now at four days past my “due date,” I’m going to stop Googling natural ways to induce labor. I’m going to meditate using the mantra “soften to open.” I’m going to clean out my bathtub, light some candles, and listen to some soothing music. Then, the rest of the day, I’m going to curl up on the couch with a good book and my sweet animals. I’m going to stop looking at the clock and/or the calendar, and I’m going to trust my body to do what it was designed to do … in its own time … Thankyouverymuch.
I was just thinking on the train this morning that they should set people's due dates at 42 or 43 weeks. Since most first time moms go late and its pretty much torture going "past" your due date I think everyone would be alot happier. Hang in there Mama! You and Baby are going to do just fine when the time is right!
4 days before my "due" date. My midwife has appreciatively named "guess date". We are on the boat together! I get my friends and family eager remarks asking, "isn't that baby here yet?".
I can't relate to those who are hoping pregnancy would end, I am happily content simmering on daydreams in these last precious moments of waddling, wondering where my toes went and proudly able to sustain a fierce down dog.
Cheers to embracing these moments, having faith in your body and I wish you a fantastic birth. Soon our little hiccuping jumping beans will go from our bellies to our arms!
So sweet and empowering- all the best to you dear!
the one muscle you should be working on while practicing yoga is the letting go muscle. it really helps all areas of life
so true! I also agree that sending an already anxious mother-to-be on a variety of tests because they are past their arbitrary due date is a bit much.
Sending you relaxing and welcoming baby vibes!!
"If you want to open your hamstrings, you relax and breathe and gently fold forward. Why on earth would opening your cervix be any different?"
Actually, it's even more important you relax and breath and be gentle with yourself to let the cervix open, given that it is smooth muscle which is entirely dominated by the automomic nervous system. So yes, I totally agree that the anxiety that gets attached to going past the so called due date is very counter productive. Good for you for going on a Google diet and spending time treating yourself with as much luxury and relaxation as you can!
And by the way, my doula had 3 healthy children who were all born at exactly 42 weeks. Just in case you are still waiting to meet your little one.
I went past my due date, too. It was torture! I knew about the whole "estimated due date" thing and knew to be patient. But still, it was torture. If I have another baby, I think I'll be more patient the second time around. The unknown is just so difficult.
Yoga is good. I love Yoga.
I was sick with back problems and aching joints for 3 years, thanks God recently I have discovered a proven systematic set of techniques that will allow us to enjoy the richest whole body benefits of yoga… from the top of our head to the bottom of our toes.
I needed to read this today it is soothing and wise! I am 40+3 right now and both other babies arrived a bit early so I am impatient (especially with 8 weeks of prodromal labor under my belt!). Thank you for this post! I shall try to relax and meditate more!
Hang in there, Mama. Once that baby comes your "due date" won't matter at all. Good luck!