This is what I look like when I’m trying to meditate. Do I look calm? Serene? Focused?
Yeah, right!
On the inside, it’s a different story. Anyone who has attempted to meditate knows how hard it can be to sit there and calm your mind. I’ve always tried to focus on my breath, and occasionally a simple mantra. But it doesn’t take long for my mind to start spinning into stories… I re-live conversations I’ve had in the past, thinking of what I should have said. I think about what I’m going to say next time. I think about my grocery list or my overdue library books. You know, all kinds of really annoying stuff that could easily drive a person bananas.
But lately, I’ve been experimenting with meditating with a mala. I have a gorgeous meditation mala by Tiny Devotions with a turquoise bead meant to enhance communication, healing, and balance. (All things I can use more of in my life right now!) I’ve been wearing it as a necklace to remind me of my meditation practice during the day as I run errands and do chores. But it’s also been a useful guide to help me focus on a mantra (I’ve been using So Hum) as I sit to meditate. Instead of sitting there restlessly until my kitchen timer beeps at me, I just keep going until I’ve been around the mala once, twice, or three times (more if I have the time!). And it keeps my mind (and my fingers) just busy enough to allow me to begin to settle by the end of my practice.
Do you use a mala for meditating? What’s your mantra? Do you have any other meditation advice?
Hi, you look good from the outside!, but yes like you say in the inside it might not always be so calm, that is how it is for me. I never tried meditating with a mala, and recently I went on my second Vipassana meditation retreat, for me it is really worth trying them, they are free, and they are all over the world… I wrote about it, will post the link below, on the three reasons why I am so sold on them…
I like the mala and love the idea of it reminding me of meditation practice throughout the day! I always begin meditating by visualizing a connection to the earth and I allow that connection to receive and release all my agitation. Slowing the breath is always good as it slows everything down, heart, brain waves etc.
Erica, we LOVE seeing you wearing one of our Malas! Keep on meditating and breathing. Lots of love from
Agree: our Western minds do better with something to focus on that can help us drop into emptiness, or at least spaciousness, rather than making attaining emptiness the goal from the start. For me it's Metta, or Lovingkindness practice, as taught by my yoga teacher. It gives me something to focus on that eventually, on good days, lets everything else drop away. And if not, it's always a good thing to focus on.
May we be filled with lovingkindness. May we be well. May we be peaceful and at ease. May we be happy.
You guys are great! You inspire me to keep trying even when it's really hard (which is most of the time!). 🙂
I use a rose quartz mala since it's good for love and heart opening. My mantra is to help me find my path in life and is Om-shree-Durga-yay-namahah (phonetically spelled). I've found mala meditation works much better for me than any other practice.
Did you find a teaching gig? Kind of remember you were having problems doing that. Would love to see a take on CA vs NC from someone who was a part of Yoga Journal.
I have been using a mala for meditation for about six months now. I find it very helpful!!!
great blog topic
i have one in rose quartz that i love! we're in the middle of designing a special one. . i'll keep you posted:) xo
I feel Peace and calm !!!!