As many of you know, I’ve been a teensy bit stressed lately. More specifically, I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off which coincidentally tends to give me crazy tension headaches. I sit at my desk all day feeling my shoulders creep up toward my ears, my neck getting tenser by the minute, and by the end of the day my head throbs. I know part of my problem is postural. Like many desk dwellers who are stupidly glued to their screens even on their downtime, I sit with my chin jutted forward so my eyes are closer to my screen… kind of like this:
Since the tension starts in my shoulders, I always thought the yogic answer to my problem had to be backbending. But I’ve been almost as obsessed with backbends the last 5 years or so as I am with my computer, and it never did much for me. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with other poses and I’m finding that Shoulderstand (yes Shoulderstand) really helps undo all the damage I’ve been doing to my shoulders, neck, and head by being on my computer 15 hours a day.
Image from
I don’t know why I didn’t think of it earlier! Everyone knows Shoulderstand is soothing to the nervous system—which means it’s great at moving you out of the fight-or-flight state of mind. And, physically, it creates space in my cervical spine, which I compress most of the day while I look at my screen. Even when I don’t have much time to have a full yoga practice, I can take just 30 breaths out of my day to practice Shoulderstand. Lately, it’s been my ONLY home practice, and I couldn’t be happier about it.
What’s your most healing pose?
Viparita Karani = my oasis. 🙂
Try some Tulsi tea, it's wonderfully uplifting. It's been very helpful for me lately.
Healing pose: Now I am not proficient was sanskrit like Meredith but my sequence was described to me as Yoga Mudra, seated half lotus – back bend, long forward bend, alternate seated laterals then reverse feet.
I added you 30 breath shoulder stand before doing this today and to my pleasant surprise my heart felt higher and chest more opening. Very nice
If there is a name for the above sequence please let me know. Is it true that the first 199 hrs of a 200YTT is learning Sanskrit and the last hour how to use a credit card machine. (that should bat the beehive 🙂 )
My go-to pose when I'm feeling blah is Downward Dog. No matter what's up… downdog is nice.
Frenzy36 –
I think in my TT we did about 20 hours of sanskrit… and I WISH we had spent any time at all learning about the damn credit card machine.
I love the the warrior series
I always feel empowered
Viparita Karani is a good one, too! I wish I had time to practice just that for 30 minutes a day.
I love tusli tea, too!!
Frenzy, we did a LOT of Sanskrit in my TT.. I wish we had had more practice teaching in front of the group and feedback on sequencing.
Carrie, What is the Warrior Series? Is it just the 3 Warrior poses or a full sequence?
child's pose
spinal twists (laying down)
I'd also like to hear about the warrior sequence. : )