Dear Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose),
I hate your guts.
You make my hips burn, my ankles ache, and my jaw clench. You compromise my balance. You make me feel weak, agitated, and just plain mad. I find you so irritating, in fact, that if I never had to practice you again, that would be fine with me.
I know this must be hard for you to hear, so please know that it’s not personal. It’s not you at all really—it’s me. I would break up with you, but I know there are still lessons for me to learn from you. So I will endure your unpleasant company, but I will NOT like it.
P.S. Tell your brother, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon Pose) I hate him, too.
LOL!!! I too used to loath PT but we came to an understanding and now we're friends. In fact we play together quite a bit. Utkatasana, not so much…
haha, fun! if i was going to write a letter to an asana, it would be shoulderstand. however, PT is not among my best friends, and the combination of bending and twisting is deadly for my lower back condition (according to both my chiropractor and personal experience). so PT and i are not even allowed to play together.
you should get pregnant. Then you're not allowed to do PT.
Not a fan of this pose either, though I could do Triangle Pose all day!
Found you through Y is for Yogini. Love your blog! This one is funny – I find this pose hard, too. And Revolved Half Moon – hell no! Hate it!
It's terribly ironic that everyone else can thing of good reasons to avoid poses they hate.. I can't come up with one decent excuse, and I'm sure I hate PT more than any of you.
A Green Spell, welcome! I'm so glad you found my blog!
Wow – lots of asana hate going around. The only pose I hate is Half Handstand. Hate it Hate it Hate it. I ♥ full handstands though.
LOL! Revolved triangle is a really important pose. It’s great that you talk about your struggles. My boss, Leeann Carey, is a world-renowned yoga teacher & she says that it's a great chest opener. She has a free yoga video on this subject that you should check out: