I am not into hot yoga. Something about being in a heated room with everybody vinyasa-ing in puddles of their own sweat is just not my idea of a good time. The heat makes me irritated and uncomfortable–and the odor!? No, thank you. Yuck. I’ll stick to building heat from INside my body.
So, when the lovely folks at Rowve Yoga Bags told me about their bags, I had no idea that many hot yoga studios give their students plastic bags to carry their wet, disgusting, sweaty clothes home. While I understand the need to have something waterproof to keep the yuckiness away from everything else in your bag, yoga students tend to shy away from plastics that will take hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill–especially for one-time use. Most of us have made the shift from disposable plastic bags at the grocery store by bringing our own, reusable bags to the check out.
Rowve makes it possible to do the same thing when you go to your local Bikram studio–and they eliminate the stink factor, too. Even if you’re not into hot yoga, these bags are a great idea for anyone who changes their clothes before they leave the studio or gym. Did I mention how adorable the bags are?
Even more than the functionality of the bags, I love that this mother-daughter team saw a need in the yoga space and took matters into their own hands to fill it. Eve, (the VE in Rowve) the daughter who is a yoga teacher, asked her mom Ronnie (the RO in Rowve), who is a seamstress to come up with a design that would wipe clean and close up tight, keeping the moisture and that familiar smell away.
Are there other similar products on the market? Probably. But I love the idea of supporting folks who, like so many of us yoga teachers and writers in the world, build their business on an ideal that helps them share yoga with others (and in this case, make it more convenient, too).
Tell us: What do you do with your sweaty clothes after yoga class? Do you change before you head home? Do you get sweaty enough that you need to?
hmmm… i would think any wet bag would work the same. i have a couple for the kid's cloth diapers and/or outfit changes while we're out.