Self-care for moms was not something I thought about much when I was a new, first-time mom. When my first baby was born, I put off going to the dentist for three years.
Yes, you read that right… Three YEARS.
“My husband works during the day. I have no family nearby. I can’t just hire a babysitter off the street!”
But when I’m really honest with myself, here’s the deep down truth: I didn’t want to go to the dentist.
It was too complicated to figure out all the details and plan out childcare ahead of time. And I was using my baby an adorable, chubby-cheeked excuse.
See also Time Management Tips for Moms
I had so many excuses not to focus on my own self care…
As long as we’re being honest.. I can think of about a million times I’ve put my own needs aside, made myself out to be a martyr, and used my kids for an excuse not to do my self-care practices.
“There just isn’t TIME to eat a healthy whole-foods lunch, so I will force myself to eat this leftover grilled cheese and french fries instead. It is a sacrifice I am willing to make for my children.”
“Shower? Wear cute clothes? Work out? Go to a yoga class?”
“Who has time for that!? I’m too tired. My family NEEDS me!“
(Now, I want you to picture me with the back of my hand on my brow, head tilted toward the sky, looking dramatic like Scarlet O’Hara… only, in this dramatic showing I’m wearing a stained T-shirt and ratty yoga pants.)

In case you are relating to any of this, can I please remind you that you are not a damsel in distress.
You are strong, confident, grown ass woman who knows how to juggle a million things and get shit done. If anyone can figure out a way to get yourself to the damn dentist so you don’t end up having to get, ahem, EIGHT cavities filled three years down the road, it’s you.
Yes, it takes extra effort, extra planning, and extra attention. Yes, it is harder than it should be. Mothers don’t get the support they need in our society, which is one of the reasons I do what I do to support mothers every day.
That doesn’t mean you get to just give up on the things you know are important for your health and well-being.
Love yourself. Then, love yourself more.
Love yourself enough to take care of your body and mind. You deserve that. And your family deserves that, too.
I wish someone had said this to me 5 years ago.
Also, please love yourself enough to give yourself some grace if you’ve been making the same type of excuses. Being a mom who is responsible for a helpless little person day and night is the hardest transition a person can make. And it’s OK if it turns your world upside down for a bit.
(Overcoming the extra difficulty and learning to figure things out in spite of the chaos is one of the things that makes moms so badass. I just wish more moms could appreciate how completely amazing they are… but I digress.)
That said, the sooner you can get back on track, the sooner you can start to feel like the healthy, strong, energetic, vibrant mom you know you are under all of the excuses.
Let your kids be your motivation, your inspiration, and your reason for showing up for yourself. They’re a reason to take care of yourself, not an excuse not to.
Yoga for All the Moms
If yoga and mindfulness is one of the ways you want to show up for yourself, consider yourself cordially invited to join our online yoga classes.
These classes are completely virtual via Zoom and tailored to moms just like you. PLUS, we will totally understand if you need to have a little one (or three) in the room with you ask you practice along.
A new 4-week series focused on standing balance poses starts Thursday, August 6th at 7pm Eastern time. No more excuses. Sign up now.
Note: I realize that as a middle-class white woman, I have privilege. And so the things that were difficult for me are still so much harder for others who don’t have the same privileges. I just want to acknowledge this truth and make sure you know that it’s my goal to help give you some support and inspiration no matter how hard things are.
Thanks for reading.
Your children should be your biggest motivation, to look good and feel good for them