One time I tried a new yoga class with a new (to me) teacher. When I got there (10 minutes early, like a good yogi) I sat on my mat and the teacher immediately came by to quiz me. “Do you have any injuries? Are you new to yoga? What activities you do? Are you are ballerina? a circus performer? a hula hooper?” (I’m not making this up.)
I was (and still am) confused by her line of questioning. “I’m a yogi,” I said.
“Oh, well, what kind of yoga do you practice, then?”
“Eh. I dabble. A little of this, a little of that.”
“Oh…” her voice trailed off. “Well, one day you’re going to want to commit to one style of yoga and one teacher, OK?”
I politely agreed. But deep inside (or maybe not so deep)the bratty child in me protested, “You’re not the boss of me!” I didn’t agree at all. I just don’t understand why I’d want to limit myself to one perspective on such a vast practice. But maybe I’m missing something.
Commitment is a concept I’ve been pondering a lot lately. What does it mean to be committed to your yoga practice? a meditation practice? Should you commit to a teacher? a style of yoga? a studio? What does that mean anyway?
If I commit to Ashtanga, but attend an Anusara class does that make me a cheater? I joke about dating new yoga teachers until I find the one that I have chemistry with, but when I find my new yogifriend should I stop learning from others? A commitment to yoga is obviously not the same as a commitment in a relationship, but I still think it’s important to show your commitment through your actions.
In our culture, we equate commitment with buying things. (I don’t make the rules. If you don’t like it, take it up with Beyonce.) The first thing we do when we decide to commit to our practice is buy a yoga mat. Perhaps the next step is to purchase a series of classes at a yoga studio (the more we buy the more committed we are!). Then, we might buy a book or subscribe to a yoga magazine. The holy grail of yoga commitment is enrolling in a teacher training. For me, writing that check felt like getting down on one knee and proposing.
Of course none of these things really has anything to do with commitment either. They’re just gestures of good intentions. When it’s all said and done we might know our practice and ourselves better, but that’s really all we can hope for.
The whole point of the practice is to be happier, healthier, and more balanced. Sometimes I find more of those things by doing an asana practice, and sometimes I’d be better off to read a book. My commitment is to my own happiness and well-being, not a specific teacher or style of yoga. I’d put a ring on that.
This is for all you single yogis out there!
What are you committed to?
Think of all the suffering in the world caused by fighting over religious differences, even though the fighting violates the religion's teachings.
Take the best of each area and enjoy it, be the collage. That's my approach to religion, activities, eating, and yes yoga.
BTW – I've seen that the video b4, love it
I completely agree with you. I like to try different styles and studios- I learn and grow better that way in my practice. I also find that here in Halifax anyways, yoga studios are VERY insular, so if you stick with one, then you'll really only get a small snippet of what the yoga community is like.
However, hard core ashtangis tend to stick only with ashtanga. It's something about the 'tradition' (if you could call something less than 70 years old a tradition).
glad to have found you (through twitter! lol, coffeeandyoga here 🙂 ).
I'm committed to exploration within my practice and I'm happy with wherever that takes me (it's always higher and higher!). Right now that means Kundalini, vinyasa flow, YTT, and a bit of Iyengar here and there. There's no need to settle down with any one style/teacher/studio. Free Yogic LOVE! 🙂
Frenzy if you hadn't seen this video by now, I'd be worried about you!
EcoYogini, welcome! The people who read my blog are SO smart!!
So curious about this innovative teacher? Who are they and what style do they teach? But maybe he or she was having a bad day. How about thinking our teachers nourish us as unique individuals? We may be deficient in some vitamins or minerals and certain teachers are like supplements and we all thrive on different quantities and styles of teaching.
Hi Elise,
Thanks for your comment! I will not tell who the teacher was (or what style), because I don't think it's fair. And I don't think there was anything wrong with what she said. I realize that that approach works for a lot of people, and who am I to judge?! I just don't think it will work for me right now. 🙂