My life has been busy and chaotic recently. In the last week, I celebrated my second wedding anniversary and my sister had a baby. A few weeks, ago someone close to my family had a terrible accident and has been in a coma. Of course, my job has added plenty to worry and stress about. I’ve had a good balance of happy, sad, anxious, and scary moments recently. And yet, I don’t feel balanced at all.
I’ve heard many great yoga teachers say that when you feel like you don’t have time for yoga that’s when you need it the most. I can’t think of a truer statement. It’s been hard to unroll my mat when there are so many other important, life-changing events happening all around me.
While I haven’t felt like practicing my usual routine of arm balances and backbends, I’ve still been practicing. Lots of slow breathing, Legs-Up-the-Wall, and Child’s Pose have been my attempts at grounding and bringing my mind back into the present moment. I can’t say that these poses are always successful at lulling back into a state of calmness, but they work better than most other things I’ve tried.
What do you practice when your life feels like chaos?
when it is like this for me i do sun salutation and lotus,breathing only.
sun salutations. no thinking….just moving!
Hey you,
You have a strong spirit, so I know you're hanging in there.
Congratulations to you (and to your sister!) on the lovely things. Very exciting moments in life. I have no doubts you will be an amazing auntie. 🙂
Dr. Lo prescribes more Viparita Karani. It's magic for any and all challenges. Your practice will bring you right back where you want and need to be.
I do sun salutations as well, and maybe some forward bends–standing and sitting. It allows me to just fold into myself and say, "hey, me!".
I posted about this fairly recently because my mom was in the hospital for over a month and things just got insanely stressful.
Apparently, when I'm living on adrenaline and lack of sleep I meditate and I do handstands.
Otherwise, I try to make myself do at least one sun salutation a day.
Like others that posted, I love the forward bend. It is heaven to me. If I am in a place where I can, I do a quick Sun Salutation as well with a little pigeon thrown in.
I just came through one of these kinds of time in my life and I found i practices lots of downdog and child's pose, the warriors, and tree.
Keep breathing girl 🙂
My advice is Crosstrain. It works for athletes. Take long walks along the ocean to help refocus and you'll be amazed how soon you'll be back on th mat .. with gusto!