Steal from your teacher. No, I’m not talking about her credit card or that shiny new yoga mat… When I’m in a difficult situation–whether it’s at work or in my daily job, I think about how my mentors would respond. I imagine what her words would be, her body language, I see her composed and cool … My yoga teachers don’t get flustered when they make a misspeak in front of a class. They laugh it off gracefully and move on. I want to be like that in my interactions with people. So I steal their persona for a bit (I can’t call it borrowing because I can’t give it back!). I say what I think they would say. I might even talk the way they would talk. I make it my own. It helps me through it, and don’t think they’d mind.
Do the bare minimum. In our culture, we’re taught to give 110% to everything we do. We work as hard as we possibly can. We always strive to do more. When we take this approach in yoga, we end up injured. When we take this approach in life, we end up burnt out, exhausted, and uninspired. I’ve noticed that working smart (not hard) is the way to get the most accomplished over a long period of time. And by saving energy, I’m able to accomplish more over the long run, be more creative, and am much happier as a whole.
Be selfish. I know.. the word selfish sounds so bad! We have the perception that when we take things for ourselves, it comes at the expense of someone else, but this isn’t always true. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of anyone (or anything) else!? Take time for yourself. Do your daily yoga practice. Meditate. Eat foods that make you feel alive! Then, shine your light on the people around you.
Really great advice! Thank you! I'm starting back to work in the next couple of weeks–it is a VERY high stress job. I needed this! Namaste!
Great advices, and I couldn't agree more! If we give love to ourselves and we feel good, then of course what other people will get from us is love and feel good around us. What we give to ourselves we give to others.
Thank you so much for a great blog, both here and at Yoga Journal! Your humorous, wise and warm blog posts has quickly become my favorites! 😀
For YEARS I believed that the ebb and flow of my energy level was part of my cycle, who I was. I gave 110% for months, then would feel burnt out for a couple of weeks. During the ebb, my work, my diet, my relationships, my fitness, would dip to an 80% input/output level.
Last month, when I felt my dip setting in, I felt very anxious about its onset. I did not want to go through the dip. It was at that moment where I realized I was managing myself all wrong. Back off to some days; when you feel the need to take it easy, you must listen to your body/soul and simply take it easy! EASY.
I love this post! There's such awesome and simple wisdom – when I try to force myself, 110% into my arm balances or inversions, I usually end up with a very non-graceful face plant or something similarly humbling, but when I ease in and allow my body to do what it can that day, I generally release into a beautiful practice. And, 110% is usually my speed in life, and there are some face plants in there, too! Thank you!
Great post. Thanks.
Hi!, beautifull post. I´m from Argentina, and i love yoga. Thank you for you advice. And sorry for mi english. Saludos.
very good post. Yes, sometimes we need to stop and relax. Work smart not harder. smell the roses…..
I'm constantly telling my friends and family to re-think selfishness and that some selfishness is healthy. I have so many friends and family members (mostly busy, working moms) who feel bad taking time for themselves. I'm lucky that my fiance knows that I need "me" time and that he doesn't make me feel bad for it!
I love this post. Especially the point about being selfish and eating what makes you feel alive! I've been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend recently, and he eats a lot less fruits than I'm used to. Your post makes me realise that I shouldn't sacrifice my own pleasures for his. Guess I'm off to get some fruit!