I’m having a difficult time finding a yoga teacher who I really click with in my new ‘hood. It’s really hard to describe what makes a yoga teacher your match. It’s like there’s a chemistry there that just works. In fact, it’s a lot like dating. Which is why I’m considering taking out a personal ad. It would go something like this:
Single white yogi seeks skilled yoga teacher. Loves arm balances, backbends, and philosophical walks on the beach. Teacher must be authentic, knowledgeable, a little funny, a little serious, down to earth, easy to understand, and willing to admit when she/he doesn’t know something. Those who speak with phony, soothing yoga teacher voice need not apply.
I guess I just need to go on more “dates”.
I alway recommend students date a lot of teachers before becoming exclusive 🙂
My son teaches while in grad school and I keep giving him the opposite advice Meredith.
I wish I had the selection to be choosy, but my teacher (and the only one within 50 miles of here) decided to stop teaching yoga and work fulltime (on the shrewd advice of her moocher bf).
So I'm taking the first teacher that settles within 30 miles of here.
Frenzy, I know exactly how you feel. When I started yoga there weren't many teachers around at all!
I guess it's important to remember that there really are teachers everywhere… even if they don't call themselves yoga teachers!
I agree. I am not discouraged because I always need to work on strength and flexibility while looking for the next teacher. I was stressed for about a weekend – now I am back on track.