Shiver me timbers! In case you haven’t heard, it’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Because I’m a big advocate that our yoga should be more fun–and less serious, I’d like to encourage all the yoga teachers out there to take advantage of this special occasion and teach like a pirate.
Here are a few suggestions on how to incorporate a pirate theme into your classes. I’m serious. Do this!
Ahoy, Mateys! instead of Namaste.
ARRRRRRR-dha Chandrasana.
ARRRRRRR-dha Matysasana.
Walk the Plank Pose.
Yo-Ho-Ho Halasana.
I Lost My Pegleg Pose (Tree Pose).
And of course, Pirate’s Booty.. (Downward Facing Dog)
Can you think of more? Share below. And if anyone actually does this, please please PLEASE tell us about it!
I love the idea of bring fun into a yoga practice,I thk is fun to doin flag pose wit a white towel. .like askin fr surrender!walkin in wheel pose backward n forward,left n right,bite the toe when pullin the feet up to the head .. 🙂 I nt a holy yogini,I only a practicetioner,the naught one! 🙂
it is really important to make whatever we do, fun, especially yoga.