On Saturday, I went to my first yoga class near my new home. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a Power Yoga class at a rock climbing gym, but I have to say it left me feeling grateful, inspired, and excited to explore a whole new yoga community!
The studio was beautiful. The people were friendly. The teacher, an athletic type, was decent. Though, I didn’t love his sequencing or that he kept saying “High Plank”–There’s only ONE Plank Pose, Mister. But he offered some challenging poses, lots of Andrey Lappa-inspired arm stretches, and he said “damn”–which I happen to find hilarious in a yoga class setting. Here’s the context: “Some people, damn them, can bind in this pose. I don’t how! Oh yeah. Like that! That’s beautiful, and forget that whole ‘Damn you’ thing.” Ha!
Will the studio/rock climbing gym be my new home? That is yet to be determined, as there are a many more to try before I settle on one.
How did you pick your studio/teacher?
Y is for Yogini says
I like cussing in yoga, too! How sailoresque of me. 😛 Haha, truly, though, I just like when teachers (and students) are real.
I pick my teachers via word-of-mouth, Yelp (reviews are often on point), and researching names I've heard on good ol' Google.
Meredith LeBlanc says
My first teacher almost 15 years ago was the only one in town. Second one a couple of years later was the same situation. And my current studio was owned by a woman I had known in grade school.