I first noticed I was a spoiled yogi when I began paying attention to my inner dialogue. Every time I had a moment to myself—in the shower, my morning commute to work, the moments before I drifted off to sleep at night—I noticed that I kept thinking to myself, “What do you really want?” As in, what do I want in life and in the moment. Do I want a bagel with cream cheese? Do I want a puppy? Do I want more respect at my job? Do I want to pick up and move my life somewhere else?
No matter the answer to my question, I began to realize I was never satisfied. When I got what I “wanted,” I was immediately preoccupied with wanting something else. And, quite frankly, my inner dialogue was driving me nuts.
So I changed it in the same way I’ve been taught to bring my mind back to my breath in meditation. Whenever I notice myself thinking “What do you want?,” I stop myself and instead think, “I am content. I am blessed. I am happy.”
I still slip back into my samskara, or pattern, a lot, but I think the intention to change it will make an impact over time.
I’m curious. What thoughts pop into your head while you walk to work? Do you have a mantra? What is it?
I tend to keep it simple. Either "Ham Sa" (I am that I am), which I have written on a post-it over my desk at work, and "Breathe," which is a nice little reminder for everyone. I'm still keeping my mind open for "the perfect mantra" but these both work wonders for me as it is.
I love Ham Sa, too! I guess as long as our thoughts are positive, we're creating healthy samskaras. 🙂
Mine is SoHam – I am that. My first yoga teacher gave it to me fourteen years ago and it is always with me. It just naturally pop up when I least expect it. I've never tried another.
I just found this interesting little tidbit on line in reference to SoHam and HamSa:
The Soham mantra is also called the Hamsa mantra. Hamsa (or hansa) poses the question, Who am I? Soham provides the answer, I am that.
Oh I love that. Thats so like my mind, I guess they dont call it monkey mind for no good reason. I am going to use this technique!
I love your blog. It got a mention in Australian Yoga Journal and I have added it to my fav blogs.